Going back in time, a letter to my 10-year old self when I was diagnos – Type One Style
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Going back in time, a letter to my 10-year old self when I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes

Published: 05 Feb 2022, Author: Charlie Cawsey

Emma, a co-founder of Type One Style, writes a letter to herself from 26 years ago. We hope that sharing this brief story will help someone who is newly diagnosed in some way.

A letter to myself: Diagnosed January 1996 aged 10 years old 


Dear Emma (aged 10), 

I know that you are very frightened right now and that it is hard to take everything in that they are trying to tell you. Looking back, I remember thinking how will I ever be able to inject myself every day with these needles- they were so long! Now with more than 70,000 insulin injections, I do it without thinking. Diabetes won’t stop you from doing things you really want to do. You will travel around India on your own, go trekking in Thailand and laze on the beaches in Cambodia.Although it won’t be as easy as it might be for non-diabetics you will use your great skills at planning and preparation to help you. You have such a wonderful support network around you with family, friends and loved ones who will always look out for you and help when things don’t go to plan. With the best will in the world, diabetes will decide not to play ball and it is important to remember to go easy on yourself. Although at times in your life you will decide to ignore it and wish it will go away it is important that you don’t lose sight. Always make sure you book the important check-ups and seek help when it is needed. 

In 24 years time, you will have an incredible piece of technology, a Dexcom G6, which will change the way you look at your diabetes and it will help you to live your life and make necessary decisions and adjustments. 

It is important to reach out to other diabetics and share your experiences to build a support network.Emma you really are such a strong person and a warrior who battles every day. 

Lots of love,

Emma (36) 


If you are in distress and need support, you can find some information and links to resources here A strategy to improve your mental wellbeing and relationship with type – Type One Style

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